Small Business Better Watch Out!

While large business breaches such as those that have plagued Home Depot, Target and Yahoo grab the headlines, these businesses have the financial resources and resiliency to shake off the attacks and continue to grow.

Sadly, when a commensurate attack occurs at small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) they frequently struggle to survive. In fact, according to the U.S. National Cyber Security Alliance, “60% of small companies are unable to sustain their business more than six months following a cyberattack.” This fact and a host of other related information were the subject of a recent post at Security Magazine. In that post the risks SMBs face and possible basic protective measures they should be taking to avoid becoming part of the 60% of post-breach SMBs that fail were examined.

Smaller Target Easier Access

Since the big breaches grab the headlines you might think that huge multi-nationals are the only businesses being targeted by cyber-criminals. The reality is quite the opposite – a fully 58% of all attacks are on smaller organizations according Verizon’s 2018 Data Breach Investigation Report. SMBs make attractive targets because they often have valuable assets such as intellectual property and personal information on their networks with only minimal security protections in place. In the past we have discussed specifically how medical, law and manufacturing businesses are targeted by cyber-criminals exactly because the effort to reward ratios are attractive.

Konsultek Provides Solutions

Fortunately, making your business a less attractive target is something we excel at. Our holistic approach to security emphasizes prevention, detection and response. From BYOD to NAC to helping you create a security culture in your organization, Konsultek has the resources and expertise you need to keep the barbarians at the gate.

Even if the attack begins from within, our approach will minimize the impact regardless of whether the attack was intentional or by accident. One way we do this is by confining the breach through sophisticated user controls and privileges.

Let us help you become a less attractive target. We are currently offering a complimentary Executive Risk Assessment for you organization. It all begins with a conversation, so please give us a call and let’s work together.

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